Shut The Fuck Up Bitch ( Courtesy of Pornography)

I want to repost this post, and add another image*, not because i think it's anything frigging great (as outlined below) but i sometimes (often) feel like a woman with no fucking voice! That image above sums it up, because most often, i feel i'm living out that very same pornography.
I don’t claim to be, educated, well-spoken or well-versed in feminist theory. I do, however, claim to be a woman, and a wise woman at that; who has a right to an opinion. Lately I have been somewhat discouraged by the division that is evident in so many of the feminist circles. We waste so much energy discussing, and quite frankly "who is the most academic". Personally, I am sick of discussing and academia has it's place. And, I am also pretty sick of pretentiousness and division. I wish we would stop fighting among ourselves. Men love a "Cat fight"...lets stop fighting petty battles and concentrate our energies in where they really belong. FIGHTING THE PATRIACHY
(Edit): Unsure whether to use this picture, due to the possibility that my motives may be misunderstood. Lets be very clear here...i decided to keep this picture up as it highlights just- oh- so -clearly how women DON'T have a voice. Courtesy of Pornography of course.
And for good measure. i would like to remind everyone of the (funny when you try to think of a goddam awful word for a man, it always gravitates back to female) Inadequate limp cocked (yip hit 'em where it huurts gal) stinking/festering little xx's who masturbate over fucking children yup... Paedofiles and Rapists, who get off on ABUSE, but hide behind their stupid fucking precious 1st a fuckamendmend. Created by men to abuse women Ahmen Ahfuckingmen! Well anywayz you may say 'ere's me next pic like :-)
*The supporting picture is the Pornographers, standing on a "woman"
**disclamer** this supporting pic might make you very angry, unless of course you are a rapist/paedofile
did you know that was a nikki craft picture - in fact i think she is one of the 'men' in it? and the woman is actually a well known antiporn feminist? whose name i will not tell you as she later regretted posing for this picture, even though the intention was entirely anti-porn.
Thanks anon for giving me some background on the picture. It's remains a very powerful image protraying the corruption of the 1st amendment. I'm actually pleased that I now know it's history, as it used to give me high blood pressure!
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