More On Barely Bipedal~All 1st Sparkle*mendment Rights Apply~Free Speech

There are obviously lots of undressed women in Maxim, all up for it, especially the ladies in the adverts at the back for sex chatlines and hardcore porn DVDs. Women are, of course, a commodity in lads' mags and Maxim is unusually candid about this - one monthly feature, headlined "Fresh off the boat", offers readers the chance of a date with an immigrant, or the latest "hot foreign girl looking for love as a way to avoid deportation!" (Note, an exclamation mark denotes humour.)
Maybe i've got a different sense of humour than the readers of Maxim? or ,maybe i don't think women (and men) fleeing, oppression and torture fair game for piss taking. I spent most of last year working on a project for refugees and asylum seekers, and no, there wasn't anyone splitting their sides with laughter, as they told their tale of escape. Or peals of glee as they faced deportation, somtimes to face rape, torture or even death, but always to some form of persecution.
Yeah Maxim, really fucking funny, Har-de-har Har Har!
My mate Dave from Newcastle sent this photo' in, he spotted it, yes you've guessed it, lurking around the lad's mags stand.
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